Does Carrot Juice Stain Clothes?
Carrots are chock full of beta-carotene, which is great for eye health. Beta-carotene is also responsible for carrots’ orange pigment, and that’s what causes stubborn stains on clothes. Splattered or spilled carrot juice can set easily on fabrics, and there’s no hiding an orange stain. Thanks, beta-carotene.
Do Carrot Stains Come Out?
If you do have a carrot juice accident or carrot baby food ends up on your little one’s brand-new onesie, there are steps you can take to get the stain out. Here’s a step-by-step guide about how to remove carrot stains for baby clothes.
How to Remove Carrot Baby Food Stains
Remove excess
A carrot baby food stain is an orange goopy mess. That’s why your first move is to wipe off any excess gunk before rinsing the clothes under cold water. In the event of a carrot baby food mess, water pressure is your friend. Don’t be afraid to crank up the faucet.
You’re still not ready to toss baby’s clothes in the washing machine just yet. If you’re going to remove carrot baby food stain, you’ll need to pretreat the clothes in a solution of 1 to 1.5 tablespoons of Ivory Snow Stage 1: Newborn Liquid Detergent per gallon of warm water. Make sure the garment gets a good soak by weighing it down with a towel. Leave it to soak for about 30 minutes so the solution can work its magic.
Finally, you’re ready to wash the clothes like normal. The detergent bottle will tell you the correct dose of detergent to use, and the cap is perfect for measuring it out. Pour it into the detergent dispenser if you have a high-efficiency (HE) machine or directly into the drum if you have a non-HE machine. Load the clothes into the washer and choose the water temperature and wash cycle listed on the garment’s care label.
Rewash as Needed
One wash cycle might not be enough to remove carrot stains from baby clothes. Be patient and keep washing the garment until the stain comes out. Do not dry the clothes until the stain is out because drying.

More Tips on Carrot Stain Removal
Life happens. And you may find yourself in situations where you can’t follow all the recommended steps to remove carrot stains from baby clothes. Here are a few things you can do to remove carrot stains that have set or just won’t come out.
Tip 1. Apply a Stain Remover
You don’t want a bright orange stain ruining your baby’s clothes. This is where a stain remover can help. Ivory Snow Laundry Stain Remover, for instance, has an advanced cleaning formula to lift odors and stains out of baby clothes and fabric. Just spray the stain remover directly on the stain, rub it in, wait a few minutes, and wash as usual.
Tip 2. Go the Natural Route
If you don’t have a stain remover handy, all is not lost. You can make an effective cleaning agent with everyday household items. Treat the carrot stain with lemon juice or vinegar and use a small brush or toothbrush to break it down. If you do this, make sure you rinse baby’s clothes with cold water so acid doesn’t do any damage.
Carrot juice and carrot baby food are excellent, nutritious additions to your baby’s diet. Carrot stains, however, are not a welcome addition to your baby’s wardrobe. Now that you know how to remove carrot stains from baby clothes, they don’t have to be.